• Open 6AM to Midnight – 7 Days a week, all year round!

Eco Laundry Room

  • This facility is under 24 hours video surveillance – We do not guarantee safety.
  • Doors automatically lock at closing time. Use internal door handle or switch to exit.
  • Refer to care labels before proceeding with your washing or drying.
  • Be timely in removing clothes from washers and dryers.
  • Place other people’s finished clothes either in a laundry basket or on top of the machine after giving appropriate leeway.
  • Keep the laundry room neat and tidy.
  • Clean up all spills and messes or notify store owner.
  • Be respectful to all equipment, people and their clothing.
  • Children must be supervised at all times.
  • Use washers and dryers at your own risk. Check washer and dryer drum before proceeding.
  • Eco Laundry Room expressly excludes all loss, liability and damage for any lost, stolen or damaged clothing, doonas blanket (including, any shrinkage, transfer of colour from one garment to another or damage caused to items . Customers must at all times refer to their care label for instructions. All loss, liability and damage caused (whether physically or otherwise) as a result of using our machines or being at our premises is expressly excluded.
  • Eco Laundry Room is not responsible for loss of, or damage to, any personal or non-cleanable items left amongst, or in, a customer’s clothing such as money, jewellery, or anything else of value.
  • We do not guarantee removal of all stains to clothes washed in our Laundry. Clothes must be spin dried before placing them in dryers.
  • Clothes left in machines after a cycle has been completed may be removed by waiting customers. We would be grateful if you would ensure that you are available to remove your clothes at the end of a cycle as a courtesy to other customers.
  • Eco Laundry room’s modern facilities are provided for our customers comfort and convenience. Please help us to keep them in a good condition by cleaning up after yourself and reporting any abuse to us on 1300 326 880.
  • By entering our premises and/or using our equipment you agree to the Terms and Conditions set out herein.


  • Don’t leave your clothes unattended.
  • Don’t leave any clothing/items in the washer or dryer after the cycle has finished.
  • Don’t throw other people’s clothing onto the floor when removing it from machines.
  • Don’t overload machines with clothing or use too much detergent.
  • Don’t leave clothing or laundry baskets in the middle of the floor.
  • Don’t make someone else clean up after you.
  • Don’t smoke inside store.